Rock hard felt wheel 250 mm

US $159.00

Made of Australian Merino wool


8 in stock

SKU: 48790 Category:


Slipakniven’s 250 mm rock hard felt wheel is an advanced honing wheel with optimal density.

Effective for removing the burr on all types of steel knives.

Thanks to its optimal density it is still somewhat compressible, which creates a strong, micro-convex edge with higher sharpness that lasts longer.

Felt with diamonds is unique in that it removes the root of the burr. This is where the felt works the best and only felt can do this de-rooting job. We are not aware of any other method that can remove the root of the burr to the clean metal not dulling the edge apex. De-rooting the burr takes the edge to the clean steel – you get the edge clean of all the metal deformed during grinding. This edge has improved retention and stays sharp times longer.


We get better sharpness when a honing wheel has diameter close to the grinding wheel, as better matching the profile of the ground edge. Even if the grinding and honing angles are matched perfectly, a smaller honing wheel will not cover the full height of the bevels ground on the larger wheel – only parts of the bevel will be honed. This is not as obvious at higher edge angles like 15-20 dps, as at lower angles of 13-10 dps.

Additional information

Weight 1.8 kg


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